中文 Chinese Language Translations


Alas! Although my first “real” job out of high school was for a wonderful man from Taiwan who insisted that I learn Chinese, I never did master the beautiful Chinese language. Thankfully, through the hard work of the translators and editors at Fiberead, I can now enjoy sharing the Chinese editions of my books. I hope you like them?


因为在平安夜被男友甩了,卡茜驾车撞向一颗老山毛榉树,想以此结束自己的痛苦。但此时,一个有着华丽黑色翅膀的天使出现了,并告诉她“ 你这不是那些烂大街的超自然浪漫小说,孩子”,卡茜意识到死亡没能解决她的问题。



If you have a specific ‘wish’ for of my titles to be moved up in the pecking order to recommend to all your family and friends, why not CONTACT ME and I’ll move that title up my priority list?